Featuring: Advocate Expert, Randi Clites 

Description: The Federal Government's lack of enforcement of ACA regulations on ERISA plans allows insurers to sidestep crucial prescription benefit protections, leaving patients with staggering expenses and highlighting the urgent need for fair and transparent healthcare.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever experienced confusion or surprises when dealing with your health insurance coverage, especially regarding prescription medications? How do you think we can make insurance plans clearer and more understandable for everyone?
  2. Imagine you're an employer choosing a health insurance plan for your employees. What information or resources do you think would help you better understand how prescription benefits are covered and ensure fair treatment for your employees?
  3. If you discovered that your current insurance plan doesn't provide clear invoices or explanations of benefits for prescription medications, what steps would you take to address this issue and advocate for more transparent healthcare practices?
  4. In what ways can advocacy groups and individuals unite to push for legislative changes that mandate stricter adherence to ACA regulations by ERISA plans, thus guaranteeing fair and transparent healthcare for all patients?