People with bleeding disorders are not the only ones struggling with navigating the changing tide of the healthcare system and the costs that accompany these changes. Payers in both the public and private sectors are faced with the challenge of ensuring that their health plans comply with ACA requirements, are affordable for consumers, and provide appropriate access to care that leads to positive health outcomes, all while trying to control spiraling healthcare costs.

Changes in the payer landscape, including new providers and increased utilization of managed care by state Medicaid programs and the health insurance marketplaces, may lead to plan designs with less than optimal coverage for those affected by bleeding disorders. NBDF is committed to developing and delivering payer education programs designed to raise awareness of the unique and often complex needs of those affected by bleeding disorders.


Learn more about NBDF's commitment to access to care.


Since 2010, NBDF has participated in and developed various payer education programs designed to explain the importance of comprehensive care and to establish NBDF and MASAC as a resource for payers to use when developing their plan designs and policies. NBDF will continue to work with payers to stress the importance of a comprehensive care model for our community and educate them about considering the needs of the bleeding disorders community in their plan designs and policies.

Learn about the value-based disease collaborative