NBDF gives us a sense that we belong to something bigger than ourselves... that we're all in this together.
Your gift to NBDF connects people diagnosed with bleeding disorders to lifesaving resources.
From researching better treatment options, to advocating for quality healthcare, to creating tailored educational events, NBDF’s work for this community is made possible by you.
You accelerate research that is determined by those personally affected, like Hannah.
"When I think of a greater investment in research, I think of better information for an earlier diagnosis."
You connect families like the Baumans to resources, both locally and nationally.
"For me, NHF is a valid, reliable resource. I’m floored by the amount of resources they’re able to provide local chapters."
*NBDF was NHF at the time this video was produced.
You empower young leaders just like Chelsee.
"I graduated from NYLI last year. I am thankful that NHF doesn’t stop there."
*NBDF was NHF at the time this video was produced.
You guide newly diagnosed families on their journey through the unknown.
We needed to know as much as we can about it, and then we can make sound decisions to move forward.