NBDF encourages redistribution of its publications for educational purposes by other nonprofit bleeding disorders organizations. NBDF produced materials, either printed publications or website content, cannot be translated or reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission from NBDF.  NBDF discourages translations of portions of publications or content, as context is often crucial, but will consider these permission requests on a case by case basis.


Requesting Permission 

To obtain permission to reprint, redistribute, or translate NBDF content, please contact the Neil Frick Resource Center (NFRC) at info@bleeding.org.

Organizations or individuals interested in translating NBDF materials must review the full policy details in this document and agree to its terms, then provide the NBDF’s Translation Review Committee with:

  • Name of the organization and primary contact requesting permission
  • Title of the publication or web content to be translated
  • Detail on how many copies will be distributed and to whom, and/or how web content will be promoted/shared
  • Whether copies of the publication will be sold, or if web content accessible for a fee
  • How the project is being funded
  • Who will be reviewing the translation for accuracy and contextual meaning

Once the NBDF receives the written request a decision to grant permission will be made and the applicant will be notified in via email.

It should be noted that receiving permissions to translate and/or reprint any NBDF publications or other NBDF web-based  materials does not extend to the production, in whole or in part, for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. All NBDF content usage should adhere to NBDF’s Trademark Policy specifically pertaining to use of NBDF’s logo.


NBDF Use of Translated Materials

The organization seeking permission to translate an NBDF resource must grant the NBDF reciprocal permission to reproduce the translated edition in print and/or on its website. They must provide 1 electronic and 2 print copies of the final translated resource to the NBDF.


Expert Review of Translations

Organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts prior to publication to ensure that the translation, especially of medical terms and procedures, is correct and the meaning of the original English edition has not been changed.


Acknowledging NBDF and Original Sponsors in the Translated Materials

Permission to translate, if granted, is contingent on acknowledgement of NBDF as the original publisher of the material and holder of the copyright. NBDF will specify the precise language and placement of this acknowledgement in the letter of permission. In cases where the original NBDF edition is sponsored, the sponsor must be acknowledged in any subsequent translations and reproductions. NBDF will specify the precise language and placement of this acknowledgement in the letter of permission.  Any NBDF logo(s) used in the original publication are required for any approved translated versions.


Acknowledging Sponsors and/or Funders of Translated Materials

If the translation or reprinting of the publication is funded by a pharmaceutical company or other organization, NBDF will specify the precise language and placement thereof, through which this may be acknowledged in the letter of permission. Please note that sponsors may NOT be acknowledged on the outside front cover. Sponsor logos may NOT appear anywhere on the resource.


Sample Acknowledgement Language

Standard language typically includes “This publication was originally produced by the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) with support from [insert funder]. It was translated, with permission from NBDF, for use by [insert organization name] with support from [insert funder]. The translation is solely the responsibility of [insert organization name].” However, once permission is granted, this language is tailored for each publication by NBDF. Organizations agree to share their version with approved language and layout for final review by NBDF.