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Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation Logo

The Lone Star Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation serves the bleeding disorders community of South Texas. We are based in Houston and our area includes McAllen, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso. Our vision is very simple. We exist to ensure that every South Texan living with a bleeding disorder has what he/she needs to manage his/her medical condition successfully. This involves education/support groups, scholarships, financial assistance for emergencies, and advocacy initiatives.

(832) 383-4601
5600 Northwest Central Rd, Suite 140, Houston, TX 77092-8224, United States

Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation Logo
Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation

5600 Northwest Central Rd, Suite 140
Houston, TX 77092-8224
United States