NBDF Chapters

Your local chapter can provide education, support, and a way to connect to people who understand your experience.

NHF Chapters
Hemophilia treatment centers offer treatment for all bleeding disorders through integrated care.
Hemophilia Treatment Centers

If you have hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, a rare factor deficiency, or a platelet disorder, a hemophilia treatment center can provide the specialized care you need.

Clinical Trials

Clinicaltrials.gov offer a comprehensive listing of all clinical trials in the US, including those for treatments for bleeding disorders.

Clinical Trials
Bleeding Disorders Camps
Bleeding Disorders Camps

Use NHF’s Camp Directory to find a camp for your child with a bleeding disorder, their sibling, or a camp for the whole family to enjoy.

Community Voices in Research

We keep the lives people of affected by bleeding disorders at the center of our research.

Community Voices in Research