Peter Kouides, MD is Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical School and Medical and Research Director at the Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center, New York. Dr. Kouides graduated from State University of New York at Syracuse with a medical degree, following a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Syracuse University. His clinical expertise lies in the field of hemostasis and thrombosis, where his research interests include the study of bleeding and thrombotic disorders in women. Dr. Kouides has received multiple awards throughout his career, including the Teaching Award at the University of Rochester Primary Care Program in Internal Medicine on three separate occasions. In 2009, he received the National Hemophilia Foundation Physician of the Year Award and in 2010 the Rochester General Hospital Father Norton Award (Physician of the Year). Dr. Kouides has published more than 160 articles in peer-reviewed journals, holds editorial positions for various journals, and is a member of multiple National Advisory and Health Councils and Research Review Committees including the American Society of Hematology Clinical Practice Committee and the Foundation for Women and Girls with Blood Disorders mentoring committee. He is past president of the Thrombosis Hemostasis Societies of North America. He also led two twining partnerships with Kyrgyzstan and Nepal respectively through the World Federation of Haemophilia and serves on their Twinning committee.