Education for Empowerment Chapter Request Process and Guidelines
The NBDF Education team is proud to officially launch our 2025 Education for Empowerment programming!
What Are We Offering?
We have created a list of “Hot Topic” workshops based on the feedback from our chapters and the blood and bleeding disorders community.
What are the “Hot Topic” workshops? They are an ever-evolving list of educational sessions that will focus on the latest and greatest information in the community. They will include a deeper dive into some of the most talked-about topics, ranging from innovative therapies, to parenting, caregiving, aging, and much more. Please refer to the attachments for topics and the official workshop descriptions.
Additional Support
We also want to continue to support our chapters in delivering impactful and engaging local education to the blood and bleeding disorders community.
Do you need help mapping out the logistics of your event or putting together the most impactful program agenda? We would love to brainstorm and help bring your ideas to life!
Are you looking for a specific speaker or topic not covered in our Education for Empowerment program? No problem. We can provide you with resources and connect you with a staff member that can assist you!
Are you interested in basic information about various bleeding disorders, ultra-rare deficiencies, or platelet dysfunctions? We have an array of thoughtfully pre-recorded online webinars available for you to share with your community members. We will be happy to guide you through our library and find the best webinar to meet your needs.
Please click the link below to reach out to our team so we can assist you! Please note that this link is for general help. If you are ready to request a session, keep reading below.
What is the 2025 Structure?
We will be able to offer a total of 25 workshops in 2025. This year, education team members will be assigned workshops as they come in. The team member who is assigned to your event will reach out to you within two weeks of your EE request.
With your partnership in promoting the events and recruiting community participants, NBDF will happily help with planning your EE workshop(s). NBDF will provide all content and materials for each requested workshop. We will also find, confirm, organize travel and lodging, and pay speakers to facilitate these workshops. Throughout the planning process, your assigned NBDF team member will work closely with you to decide on the most appropriate speakers and fitting workshops for your event. This year we are requesting that chapters pay the hotel costs for speakers. Please reach out to your assigned education team member if you have any questions.
In order to arrange for our speakers’ travel and lodging, all requests must be submitted a minimum of six weeks prior to the date of the event.
All logistical details, including workshop time(s), must be confirmed and communicated to the chapter’s assigned NBDF staff member at least four weeks prior to the date of the event.
Phase I
Phase I of the 2025 Education for Empowerment program will begin February 3, 2025, and end March 31, 2025. During this time, each chapter can request NBDF’s support for one event on a first come basis. NBDF will provide a $1,000 stipend for each event submitted during phase I (whether the event is actually held before or after phase I ends). Chapters will receive a stipend for only one event total in 2025. If multiple chapters combine their efforts and place their request during phase I, each chapter will receive the stipend. This will count as one event for each chapter.
If you have more than one event planned for the year, you may submit all requests during phase one but only the first event will be approved as an EE event during phase I. Subsequent event requests will be approved during phase II if space allows. Your event can consist of up to two workshops requiring no more than two different speakers. The actual delivery of workshops will begin March 15, 2025.
New for Phase 1 in 2025:
- Education for Empowerment will be able to plan for up to 4 events each month March – July and September through November 2025.
- We will not be able to plan events for August 2025 due to BDC and we will be available only the first week of December 2025 to provide EE events.
- On the request form there are options for you to indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices for dates for your event so that we can try and accommodate everyone’s schedule if more than two chapters choose the same date.
Phase II
Phase II of the 2025 Education for Empowerment program will begin on April 1, 2025, and end on September 30, 2025, or when the maximum capacity of deliverable workshops has been achieved. During this time, each chapter can request up to two workshops for their event(s) on a first-come, first-served basis. No additional requests for 2025 will be accepted after Phase II has closed.
New for Phase II in 2025:
- If two workshops are requested, these cannot require more than two different speakers per event.
Important Dates
February 3, 2025: Phase I for 2025 launches and you can begin to request workshops
March 15, 2025: Earliest possible date for a workshop to be facilitated. Note: We would need your request in by February 7, 2025, to have time to book travel and speakers for a March 15th workshop.
March 31, 2025: Phase I ends.
April 1, 2025: Phase II launches.
September 30, 2025: Phase II ends, and we will not be accepting any new requests.
December 7, 2025: Latest possible date for a 2025 workshop to be facilitated.
*Note: While we are closing the request deadline on September 30, 2025 we will still be facilitating workshops until December 7th. You may still request a workshop for November or December, if the request is submitted before September 30th.
Next Steps
If you are ready to request Education for Empowerment programming for 2025, please click on the link below to complete the request form. Your assigned NBDF education team member will contact you within two weeks to discuss the status and details of your request.
We look forward to collaborating with you to continue to provide impactful educational programming to our inheritable blood and bleeding disorders community!
EE 2025 Chapter Event Requests
Thank you to our 2024 Supporters