When a sexual or nonsexual household exposure to HIV has occurred, at present it is widely recommended that antiretroviral treatment begin promptly, preferably within a few hours of exposure. Therefore, MASAC recommends that if such an exposure occurs, individuals should immediately go to an emergency room or a physician who has expertise in management of HIV exposure. Although HTC staff are available to provide counseling, individuals should not wait to consult with the HTC staff before seeking emergency care, since the effectiveness of post-exposure prophylaxis depends on rapid initiation of treatment.

Thus, HTC staff should discuss the risks and benefits of post-exposure prophylaxis with patients and household members in advance of any exposure in order to facilitate decision-making at the time an exposure occurs. HTC staff should also provide names and addresses of physicians and emergency rooms offering appropriate care in order to facilitate quick access to care.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Management of possible sexual, injecting-drug use, or other non-occupational exposure to HIV, including considerations related to antiretroviral therapy. MMWR 1998;47(RR-17):1-14.

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