Arizona: HB 2380, a bill creating a Rare Disease Advisory Council, passed the House 46-12 on Feb. 26.
Iowa: Bleeding Disorders of the Heartland hosted its Advocacy Day at the state capitol Feb. 5, the same day as House and Senate subcommittees were holding hearings on companion PBM reform bills HSB 99 and SSB 1074 that include accumulator adjuster bans. BDotH and NBDF testified at both hearings in support of the measures.
On Feb. 11, the House Committee on Commerce unanimously approved HSB 99. The Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved SSB 1074 on Feb. 19th. SSB 1074 is now renamed SF 383.
Indiana: NBDF submitted comments expressing concern and opposition over the State’s Medicaid 1115 waiver, which would implement additional work requirements for individuals under the age of fifty-five.
Maryland: NBDF signed onto patient advocacy group comments expressing concern over SB 357/HB 424, the State’s legislation to authorize the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) the establish upper payment limits.
Montana: Rep. Tuss has introduced L.C. 4182 to create a Rare Disease Advisory Council in the state.
Nebraska: The Senate Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee will hold a hearing on Sen. Wordekemper’s copay accumulator adjuster (LB 158) bill March 3rd. NBDF will be testifying at the hearing and NBDF’s Nebraska Chapter will be holding its Advocacy Day in Lincoln the same day.
New Hampshire: SB-17, New Hampshire’s copay accumulator adjuster legislation, passed the Senate Health and Human Services committee unanimously and is expected for a full Senate floor vote on Thursday, March 6th.
North Dakota: On Feb. 18th, the House Insurance, Business, and Labor Committee approved an amended version of HB 1216 that included language authorizing the use of copay maximizers. On the House floor the next day the amendment was stripped from the bill and the House passed the original version of the bill 69-24.
South Carolina: On February 26th, NBDF joined the Bleeding Disorders Association of South Carolina (BDASC) in Columbia for their annual Hill Day. BDASC spent the day educating members on the importance of copayment assistance and advocating for the State’s copay accumulator ban legislation, H. 3934 and S. 330. BDASC is leading the effort on this legislation.
Virginia: The Virginia Hemophilia Foundation (VHF) and the Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area (HACA) submitted comments to legislators and Governor Youngkin regarding concerns over the Commonwealth’s PDAB legislation. Additionally, VHF and HACA remain in steadfast support of ensuring that Virginia does not lose Medicaid expansion considering potential federal cuts to Medicaid. VHF and HACA have engaged legislators working on this issue for Virginia to continue the expansion of Medicaid.