The new year is a great time to plan for the unexpected. Mudslides, fires, super storms, and power outages are just a few recent examples of the unpredictable nature of life. In a perfect world, all of us would have our “ducks in a row” when it comes to contingency planning but often the distraction of our everyday routines lull us into complacency. The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)’s information resource center would like to remind all people with bleeding disorders of some “HANDI” go-to emergency preparedness resources that should help families rest a little easier knowing that even when life goes sideways, they can be ready!

HANDI's newly-revised its Family Emergency Kit Checklist is available in a readily accessible PDF format. Visit NHF’s Publication page to access this valuable resource. The checklist includes tips for creating a family emergency plan that addresses both universal needs and special considerations for those affected by a bleeding disorder.

This brochure was first developed by the NHF Emergency Preparedness Task Force in collaboration with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It was part of an NHF Preparedness Initiative.

HANDI would also like to make the community aware of additional key resources to aid families in their emergency-preparedness planning:

CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response for Special Groups – Bleeding Disorders

MASAC Recommendation Regarding Home Factor Supply for Emergency Preparedness for Patients with Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders. Document #227.

Steps for Living – Emergency Preparedness

Please contact HANDI for additional information and referrals at (link sends e-mail) or by calling 1.800.424.2634. Monday to Friday (9am-5pm ET).
