As the "dog days” of August approach, autumn may still seem a long way off. But a quick glance of the calendar shows that colleges begin their class terms earlier and earlier, and fall semester is right around the corner! Whether going away or staying closer to home, being a first-year college student can be a time filled with great excitement, anticipation and perhaps some trepidation about this next big step. HANDI, NHF’s information resource center, would like to highlight several resources aimed at helping new college students in this transition.

Off to College with a Bleeding Disorder (NHF’s HemAware Magazine)
Advice for teens and their parents during one of life’s major transitions.

Disclosure and Life on Campus (NHF’s Steps for Living web section)
Learn a little more about several facets of disclosure, plus tips on being better prepared for this new exciting chapter.

“To Reveal or Conceal: Navigating Disclosure of a Bleeding Disorder”
(NHF’s Collaborating in Care education module)
Watch this webinar as this session explores ways to communicate about bleeding disorders in real-life situations.

“Playing It Safe: Bleeding Disorders, Sports and Exercise" Activity Ratings Chart
An interactive chart of activity safety ratings with descriptions.

‘Off to College’ Toolkit (Hemophilia Federation of America)
Includes resources about preparing and making the transition from high school to college.

Transition Year (The Jed Foundation & the American Psychiatric Foundation)
Online resource center that helps students and family members focus on their emotional health before, during and after the college transition.

Contact HANDI for additional information and referrals at (link sends e-mail) or by calling 1.800.424.2634 (ext.2). Monday to Friday (9am-5pm ET).
