The National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF) Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC) issued the following documents, which were adopted by NHF’s Board of Directors in June 2010:

MASAC Document #194
MASAC Recommendations Regarding Radionuclide Synovectomy

MASAC Document #195
MASAC Recommendations Concerning Products Licensed for the Treatment of Hemophilia and other Bleeding Disorders (Revised April 2010)

MASAC Document #196
MASAC Recommendations Regarding the Treatment of von Willebrand Disease

MASAC Document #197
MASAC Recommendations Regarding Girls and Women with Inherited Bleeding Disorders

MASAC Document #199
MASAC Resolution on Blood Donor Deferral Policy

To view these documents click the links above or review the complete list of current MASAC documents. To request a hard copy of any current documents, please contact HANDI, NHF’s information resource center: or 1.800.42.HANDI.
